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Nostradamus C9 Q91: N's ciphers for the viral plague that creates an abyss for world leaders.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

Nostradamus Prophecies verse C9 Q91 Latecomers to the Greek Peninsula are held in unshafted coalminesAnagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

1. Holier step Peters pet entry entice horrible hell hole loop
2. Lechers Son  oracle dreamt cremate lonely latecomer rezident
3. Philo relatives versatile map lethal Seas alive
4. Cloning genu refused a thousand congenial defaulters  in unshafted coalmine.
The horrible plague Perinthus and Nicopolis,
The Peninsula and Macedonia will it fall upon:
It will devastate Thessaly and Amphipolis,
An unknown evil, and from Anthony refusal.
L'horrible peſte Perynte et Nicopolle
Le Cherſonnez tiendra et Marceloyne
La Theſſalie vaſtera l'Amphipolle
Mal incogneu et le refus d'Anthoine.
  1. <PoNticello entry SteeP hoLe bleep><loop / pool eNtice heLL entry><~loop entice horriblest-people entry~><heLlo loop /pool eNtice>
  2.  <rezident nornS><terMinated oracle><reaniMated her Sonnetz><reChoSen creMate Lonely><latecoMer trained><oracle dreaMt no intenze CheerS>
  3. <~philo [logos initiator] LaThe / aLeTh SealS a verSatile lAmp /pAlm~><~philo real mAp vaSter LeThal Sails~><~LeThal Seas alive alterS philo mAp~> <LaTe poll Alarm eil eAst aSheS> heatS / haSte / haSte heat / hate
  4. <congenial Men let i (one) thousAnd free><cloning antheMion(radiant clusters) defAulters>unshaFted gnoMical (wise sayings) refuels refused


  1. 1: Ponticello, thousand, latecomer, gnomical, defaulters, unshafted, Anthemion, 
  2. 2: hello, rezident , rechosen, cremate, lethal, cloning, refused, 
  3. 3: congenial, Emathion, 
  4. 4: reanimated, versatile / relatives, 
  5. 5: Norns, terminated, lathe, rechose, 
  6. 6: hell, Philo, hastle, fertile, 
  7. 7: nepotic, calmer, aviles, Marcel, feuds, 
  8. 8: entry, lonely,  
  9. 9: loop , haste , poll, save, 
  10. 10: refuels, 
  11. anemoi, poll (2x), 
  12. 12:  starve, refuse, vast 
  13. 13: lecher, cheers, hate, 
  14. 14: dreamt,  Vesta, Seth, 
  15. 15: hole, oracle
  16. chores, cog,
  17. -
  18. refuel,
  19. lamp / palm
  20. -
  21. -
  22. horrible, retained, alive / avile,
  23. Sudan

Ponticello, latecomers, intense, defaulters, thousand, unshafted, hello, rezident, rechosen, cremate, lethal cloning, refused, congenial, sonnet, Norns, reanimated, verstaile, lathe, Philo, hell, entry, lonely, pool, haste, refuels, vaster, oracle, dreamt, cheers.



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