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Nostradamus C10 Q11: To protect the newly cloned species of ape a tribe becomes nomadic
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, 2022

The Decadent verse series in Nostradamus' PropheciesNostradamus guide in his 1558 Epistle to Henry [HEE7] about decadent eventsDecadence stands out as one of Nostradamus major ciphers via its usage in the quotes from his 1558 Epistle (see left). There are only two anagrams based on that term to be found in the Prophecies. C10 Q11 is one of these and C5 Q51 is the other. In itself that factor is enough for me to choose these two as the leading pair in the series of verses linked to decadence. Both verses refer to movement of people across European boundaries. The decadent factors in this verse relate to dubious campaigns about the treatment of refugees.

The text's reference to the posthumous one and the Pyrenees affirms the hint in C10 Q07 and implies that the cloned ape comes from DNA of someone who has died. The anagrams tell us that the story of protection of that child lies in  his tribe becoming nomadic. This tale has traces of the story of Jesus family fleeing Bethlehem to escape Herods infanticidal edict.

Nostradamus Prophecies verse C10 Q11 Decadent paper comparing candidature pre-campaignThe anagram for decadent is found in the ends of the last line of text alongside an anagram for paper  (c a tendeD_e Parp). That line also has anagrams for comparing and candidature (arpignam  co..rira duc atend).

Two anagrams syntrope  (mutually dependant members)and baragnosis (unable to feel weight) appear in the third line suggesting this verse has relevance at about the time of the population displacing polar axis shift event.

At the dangerous passage below Junquera,
The posthumous one will have his band cross
To pass the Pyrenees mountains without his baggage
From Perpignan the duke will hasten to Tende.
Dessoubz Ionchere du dangereux paſſage
Fera paſſer le poſthume ſa bande
Les monts Pyrens paſſer hors ſon bagaige
De Parpignam courira duc a tende
L1: <sage rued auspex danger><agen aruspex(animal><age pass><cheer zion> cheiron chione entrail reader) expunger expurge underage ungraded unregarded zib enoch duad sagas preaux gases passage sages undead eddarun endorheic

L2: <thus same band><fear pass petrols><mouths abase> south base shut lesser poets amebas upholster lepers host spot stop mabuse repel tops sabean paperless amuse feared freed shot

L3: <spy pass shore><agile sons bag>omens pyres prey solemn poynters horse aggai(1st bish edessa) hero baragnosis seraphs solemnest gaia shorepass phrases agiel rho lemnos bang passes sharpness horses shares sabon metons resh shores syntrope some pyrm s

L4: <comparing uneradicated><raping deed><precampaign act ended><camping raped> agripp-named-courier candidature appearing decadent anteceded acmon caudate pandered conarium cauda romancuria coma paper agrippan enacted acute needed pig
1:  uneradicated, candidature, baragnosis, romancuria, comparing, upholster, shorepass, conarium, sharpness, camping, Sabean,
2: Zion, precampaign, anteceded, expunger, decadent, mouths, caudate, expurge, mabuse, aggai, Gaia,
3: unregarded, appearing, agrippan, pandered, acmon, south, shout, cauda, bang,
4: amebas, horses, shores, abase,
5: solemnest, paperless, phrases, seraphs, chione, pig,
6: underaged, cheiron, raping, thus, shut,
7: passage, enacted, sagas, bag,
8: pyrmonts, auspex, pauxes, undead, duad,
9: poynters, syntrope, aruspex, zib,
10: grip, post, tops, stop, spot,
11: ended, needd,
12: sabon, poets,
13: petrols, douses, zub,
14: shares, spans, amuse, host,
15: solmnest, underage,
16: respans, spry,
17: preys, pyres, respy,
18: enoch,
19: acute, coma, liege,
20: preaux, gases, sages, defer, freed, hut,
21: caut,
22: passes, edges,
23: dud, here,

Key Ideas:

uneradicated, candidature, precampaign, romancuria, comparing, upholster, baragnosis, sharpness, camping, anteceded, Agrippan, expunger, decadent, appearing, solemnest, underaged, mouths, pandered, caudate, syntrope, enacted, aruspex, horses, poets, needed.

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