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Nostradamus C10 Q36: Delusory parents sacrifice unborn children for the war effort.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015


 Nostradamus Centuries 10 Quatrain 36 This verse presents a wider picture of how the war in the inundated lands of 22ndC France change social, geographic and political landscapes. It focuses on the Garonne region and the  parental role in respect to pregnancy in the era of the pill.This verse presents a wider picture of how the war in the inundated lands of 22ndC France change social, geographic and political landscapes.


t focuses on the Garonne region and the  parental role in respect to pregnancy in the era of the pill.



Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

1. Pleasanter parental natal roles reurge delusory couus 
2. Elite reanimated perils ills to hear Pamiers quite isothermal drama
3. Garonne agent bans son equalness borons pills Agen vengeant sequela
4. Achilles inane agent prints party partisanry appertains pregnant parenting

Upon the King of the stump speaking of wars,
The United Isle will hold him in contempt
For several good years one gnawing & pillaging
Through tyranny in the isle esteem changing.
Apres le Roy du ſoucq guerres parlant
L'iſle Harmotique le tiendra a meſpris
Quelques ans bons rongeant vn etpillant
Par tyrannie a l'iſle changeant pris.

1: PARTISANRY, APPERTAINS, PREGNANT, PARENTING, ISOTERMAL, ANILINES, BORONS, VENGEANT,  Mahler, sills,  2: Mishrael, Sheliac, Achilles, EQUALNESS, HARM. aniline, harm,  3: TONNAGE,  4: DELUSORY, CHILEANS, REANIMATED, HAOMER,    5: NORNS, IMPRESS, parental / paternal, squalene,   6: PLEASANTER, DRAMA, SEQUELA, Maher,  7: -  8: Gennao,  9: laSERPENT,  10: PARTY,  11: PERTAINS, reurges,  12: PRESATAN, SABON, planar,   13: EQUALS, shale / heals,  14: INANE, ALLIES, PRINTS,  15: GARONNE, TRIPS,
16: Alches, rapist, sorely, inaner, sperm,
17: pertain, queans,
18: plaster / psalter, Timor, Ranni, bans,
19: impresa / Pamiers, primes,
20: inept,
21: omit, souu,
22: retained, prelates, Armand, ills (2x),
23: relose.

isothermal, partisanry, appertains, parenting, ampersand, pregnant, vengeant, anilines, borons, Mahler, sills, Achilles, equalness, Mishrael, Sheliac, aniline, harm, tonnage, reanimated, delusory, Chileans, Haomer, parental, squalene, impress, Norns, pleasanter, spirant, sequela, drama, Maher, Gennao, laSerpent, party, pertains, reurges, presatan, planar, Sabon, equals, shale, prints, allies, inane, Garonne, strip, Alches, rapist, sorely, inaner, sperm, pertain, queans, psalter, Timor, Ranni, bans, Pamiers, primes, inept, omit, sow, retained, prelates, Armand, ills, relose.


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