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Nostradamus C10 Q54: The girl born from an organ implant will also be traded for parts.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015


 Nostradamus Centuries 10 Quatrain 54 This verse is part of  the unfolding destiny of a cloned female child. Anagrams tell how the Persian nations enter a pact to create clones by fertilisation in space. some of these anagrams are:spermaries, uterine aspect, reunite in space, primates resist, animals, condemn ape.  This verse is part of the story of the unfolding destiny of a cloned female child. The anagrams tell how the Persian nations enter a pact to create clones by fertilisation in space. The focal point for the verse is anagrams such as spermaries, uterine aspect, reunite in space, primates resist, animals, condemn ape.


These tell us that man's fear is as much based on the emergence of the new species as about his own actions.


Anagrams resolving the meaning of this verse include:

1. Finer men reunite on promenade concur condemn ape cub it refine
2. Primates epithalamus used uuhalex spermaries sister retitles nouu sell uuell

3. Persian space nemesis repair uterine aspect it even enter Epicureanist era enemies    
4. Elementals animal name rules aligns brutes ligaments best signal 
She born in world of furtive concubine,
At two raised high by the sad news
She will be taken captive by her enemies,
And brought to Malines and Brussels.
Nee en ce monde par concubine fertiue
A deux hault miſe par les triſtes nouuelles
Entre ennemis ſera prinſe captiue
Et amene a Malings et Bruxelles.
L1: <concur condemn ape><ape demon concur><fine uterine> compander carpo promenade refine unite enif reunite

L2: <psalter times nouuels rites><psalterium relists notes well><lets primates resist ouun aleles uxed><resist alerts epithalamus><suuollen site eased><tenuous lies><persia lets sister> multiphase miletus pastime latium nouuell times uxed pamiers impresa s re

L3: <uterine aspect><ten spermaries reunite in space><rises men enter pact><praises arsenic><persias men risen><princes miss era>persian nemesis piscean aseptic repair since serapis messine(metz) seism epicureanist epacts repairs messier

L4: <name tangibles><malign brutes emanate><elementals gets animals><name signal><best align><a blustering name tame> easement ligaments stealing alemanni best single glanis alnaim rebuts glisten bet amelia rulex genitals
4: SIMULATE,  5: SPERMARIES, PRIMATES, STEALING, MALTESE, SIGNAL, EMANATE, Nouuels,   6: Miletus, MALIGN, BRUTES./ rebuts,  7: NESTORIUS, PASTIME, INSERTS, SEPTIMAL,  Messier, Amelia, exurb,   8: aseptic, PISCEAN,   9: -  10: remiss,  11: reunite / uterine (2x),  12: TENUOUS, ARSENIC, ANIMAL,  13: BRUTE, ASPECT, ONSETS, refit,
14: refine,
15: messine / nemesis, single,
16: capes / space,
17: nouuell, princes, align, gets,
18: plaster / psalter, carpo, uuell, matesv/ teams,
19: impresa / Pamiers, Persias / praises / Serapis,
20: repairs,
21: aleles,
22: prelates, sites,
23: -

Epicureanist, multiphase, epithalamus, blustering, elementals, promenade, tangibles, Alemanni, spermaries, glisten, swollen, ligaments, concur, simulate, Nestorius, stealing, primates, condemn, easement, Nouuels, pastime, signal, malign, Piscean, animal, brutes, arsenic, emanate.

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