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Nostradamus C10 Q56: English realm reaps little benefit from an organ transplant
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015


 Nostradamus Centuries 10 Quatrain 56 The theme of organ transplants gives technologues a basis for war with the Salfids  who in the previous verse are the ones who destroy new clones formed from old bloodlines. The last line of text summarises this as  'For long dead as a stump alive in Tunis'. This verse  unites the themes of organ transplants as a technological reason for a shady deal with the Salafids  who in the previous verse are the ones who destroy new clones formed from old bloodlines.


The last line of text summarises this same genetic idea with its enigmatic claim 'For long dead as a stump alive in Tunis'.


The anagrams then build a story of how the Arab campaign begins with a mock attack on airports.


Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

1. Proletary Royals alter transits basis so satanist port also abstains
2. Danger Dragoness airports used organs as Arabs uncharged fuel charge fluxed
3. Clique preacquire angelic preseeing gene realign ape genres peril
4. Five nutty technologues cosy memos entun(e) Poems-length

The royal prelate his bowing too low,
A great flow of blood comes out of his mouth
Anglican realm a realm pulled out of danger
For long dead as a stump alive in Tunis.
Prelat royal ſon baiſſant trop tire
Grand fleux de ſang ſortira par sa bouche
Le regne Anglicque par regne reſpire
Long temps mort vif en Tunys comme ſouche.
L1: <alter royal son basis><also proletary(lower><transitory properties>asias classes) abstains loans troy aleatory transits saints satanist pierre letterpair bosnia repel sabon sabians(psellus source) solary salon asians slay repeal

L2: <designators anger fluxed><arabs airports uncharged><storing fuel> airports strong assorting dangerful obscura bars roasting barouches starpair dragoness song exude organs

L3: <angelic genre perils><perils realign genera><cliquereplacing rare gene equips> gangrene preacquire preseeing reneges renegers respire calquing cling

L4: <technologue memos><overfit tune><poem-length tune five> some cosy countys helon hole eloh enif long chelon chole poemslength

1: TECHNOLOGUE, PREACQUIRE, DESIGNATORS, STRONG, OBSCURA,  2: PRESEEING, poemslength, uncharged, barouches, assorting, overfit, abstains,  AIRPORT, GLEANING,  3: PROLETARY, ANGELIC, DRAGONESS, SABIANS, CLING.  4: roasting, storing, sorting,    5: starpair, chelon, cosy,   6: ARABS, ROYALS, ASIANS, DANGERFUL,   7: BOSNIA, reneger, helon,  8: RENEGERS, FLUXED, GANGRENE,     9: MEMOS, CHARGE,  10: reneges, FIVE,  11: mouse,  12: SLAY, SABON,   13: ORGANS, chole,   14: BASIS,
15: eloh, hole,
16: -
17: align, fled,
18: clique,
19: -
20: respire, asias,
21: feint, pierre,
22: airports, lineag, basin, song,
23: deluxe, quic,

technologue, preacquire, Poems Length, designators, uncharged, proletary, Dragoness, abstains, assorting, dangerful, obscura, preseeing, roasting, Bosnia, airport, strong, angelic, storing, overfit, Sabians, StarPair, aligns, Asians, charge, clique, organs, gangrene, basis.

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