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Nostradamus C10 Q62:  Hitlers evilness & Nazi ideals behind USA war efforts during late 21stC Floods
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015, 2022

The Decadent verse series in Nostradamus' PropheciesNostradamus guide in his 1558 Epistle to Henry [HEE7] about decadent eventsThe verses capable of giving substance to Nostradamus' decadence link are limited by the synonyms that can be found as anagrams. Testing all variations given in common lists I find there is only licentious, degeneration(s) and evilness / vileness on which to build my links. Yet these turn out to be enough for in doing this research in recent days I have added powerful  connections showing the likelihood that Nostradamus' claims to see the future are justified.

This verse C10 Q62 and C4Q26 are linked by these synomic anagrams for decadence. And if evilness and degeneration are to be be a form of decadence then there can be no better modern exemplar than Hitler. In these two verses two of the Prophecies' three anagrams for Hitler are found.

Nostradamus Prophecies verse C10 Q62 Hitler Stalin Nazi Evilness FBI delusiveations USA dangerously adoptDecadent paper comparing candidature pre-campaignThe current verse makes the link to the Epistle's decadence via  an evilness anagram in its fourth line. The anagrams in that line then tie the story into the 21st century religious wars involving Islamic and Christian nations but with the latter being divided by fundamental differences over the substance and  nature of a modern Christ lineage.

The anagrams of this verse include ones for Hitler, FBI, Stalin and Nazi but the major focus given by the anagram for Deucalions is on the scale of the Floods in the 22ndC with Hitler's Nazi party being an exemplar of the mind-state in which evilness leads mankind over the brink. Although each has a reasonable possibility of being a product of chance their appearance together in a verse in the decadence series makes them noteworthy.

The Pannonian verse series in Nostradamus' PropheciesIn its text this verse has links to other major story lines all to do with the participants in and origin of this late 21stC war.

Barren Lady & family wars in Pannonia & Adriatic regionAlthough Pannonia(ns) is not used in the text  countries such as Hungary and Slavonia as well as a reference to a major section of the city of Budapest are names of modern regions  covering a large part of the ancient Roman province of Pannonia. On this basis there is a link between this verse and those where that province is in their text.

But of further importance is this current verse is linked to the quote shown alongside by the places named in its text. This then places the text of the text into the context of the Barren Lady and her family's wars. This series is dominated by references to the proponents in the story line such as barbarians, Arab leaders, the Latins and Germanic peoples and the tones in this current verse reflect the same connections.

Near Sobin to assail Ongrie (Hungary)
The herald of Bude (Budapest) will come to warn
Byzantine chief, Salona of Slavonia,
He will come to convert them to the law of the Arabs
Pres de Sorbin pour aſſaillir Ongrie
L'herault de Bude les viendra aduertir
Chef Bizantin Sallon de Sclauonie
A loy d'Arabes les viendra conuertir
L1: <asias rolling orbs pour in><pressed upon region> ill presides reprised assail speedier respire pierre disrobes deborins brion origen regrip respired

L2: inversed hitler radiature debt debuted delves eridanvs duetaria delusive adult dub hear

L3: <all scaled on><olden latins lichenaceous fibzan> deucalions calends chione clause second stallion unscaled unsocial fbi zib zain nazi ceucalion dnoces tzain aniou niche science

L4: <royal routine><draco rune adroitly bare evilness><vessel adorably><idolatry envies arab><true ordinance><verbalises ><arab vessel>runacode dilatory etrurian inversed ordnance veiledness verdancies vileness abdera(thrace) base etruria eridanvs bayard g
1: lichenaceous, adorably, dilatory, idolatry, adroitly, rolling, debuted,
2: verdancies, verbalises, veiledness, stallion, delusive,
3: counterraid, Deucalions, unsocial, radiature, disrobes, Perseides, Hitler, fib/ FBI,
4: ordinance, unscaled, disrobe, routine, speedier, delves,
5: runacode, evilness, vileness / veinless, regrip, brion, vessel,
6: Etrurian, Nibaz, Tzain, debut,
7: ordnance, respired / reprised, Nazi,
8: Abdera / abrade,
9: Etruria,
10: robes, Arass,
11: -
12: Draco, Aniou, gripe, orbs / robs, bued,
13: bud / dub,
14: calends,
15: scaled, assail,
16: niche, ring,
17: Latins, adult,
18: ounce,
19: upon, day,
20: respire, Asias, debt,
21: pressed, Pierre,
22: clause,
23: ignore / Origen / region.

lichenaceous, counterraid, Deucalions, verdancies, adorably, idolatry, verbalises, veiledness, unsocial, stallion, Asias, rolling, ordinance, delusive, radiature, Perseids, runacode, unscaled, evilness, Hitler, Etrurian, Nazi, clone, reprised, assail, Eridanus, Draco, niche.

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