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Nostradamus C10 Q71: New men will be considered Gods when the seas freeze over.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015


 Nostradamus Centuries 10 Quatrain 70 Anagrams in this verse for  'readings relate sorting genitors drainages and apertura preserval, suggest the eye in the previous verse still utilises light. The interpretations given to the previous verse emerge in clearer form in the current verse's text. The anagrams for 'readings relate sorting genitors drainages and apertura preserval, suggest the eye in the previous verse still utilises light.


In this last section there are several verses that offer a distant source as the origin of DNA that brings about this species mutation. See the the last four (of fifteen) occurrences of Rigel (Orion) at C10 Q45, C10 Q71, C10 Q85 and C10 Q96 for more on this theme.


Anagrams capable of giving meaning to this verse include:

1. Genitors readings relate Rigel role restoring Terra Grail
2. Proud invader never envied juried roles our veneer invoques Jude
3. Jamesian queries enfuse uueack bits Jera quiesce
4. North pasturer lives on deer squat pasture preserval Norn environed
The earth and air will freeze a very great sea,
When they will come to venerate Thursday
That which will be never was it so fair,
From the four ways they will come to honor it.
La terre et l'air gelleront ſi grand eau
Lors qu'on viendra pour jeudi venerer
Ce qui ſera jamais ne feut ſi beau
Des quatre pars le viendront honnorer
L1: <readings relate air alter><stronger guardian> sorting genitors drainages reletter restoring stranding grail adulate rigel roasting allege trail string ingots laureate

L2: <uuord pair><never injured><european driven><squadron role> vied jouuer pardon invader jude uproar renee juried uvide

L3: <aims ajar><famines suite> jamesian maia quiesce bits queries aries jeras bestia bites ajam enfuse jasmina manias

L4: <prevailers squat on north end><evil rapes>< order><personal quarters> silver servile thoron thorn squared quarts hot vesperal norn reviles levi apertura environed preserval

1: prevailers,
2: JAMESIAN, JURIED, STRING, PRESERVAL / vesperal, 3: JOUUER, ADULATE, Jeras, stranding,  quarts,  ajar,  4: SILVER, RESTORING, SQUAT, VENEER, QUIESCE, STORING, THORON, ROASTING, LIVERS,    5: SERVILE, GENITORS,  6: FAMINES, squared, bestia,  7: NORTH, quorrels, drainage, reletter,   8: QUIESCE, APERTURA, DRAINAGES,  9: AJAM, ENVIRONED, jera,  10: UUIDE, JUDE, jam,   11: UUEACQ,  12: NONVARIED,  13: -  14: ENFUSE, GRAIL, ORDER,  15: RIGEL, QUERIES, BITES,   16: BITS,  17: -  18: NEVER,  19: RENEE
20: busiet,
21: risque, quries, squire,
22: aima, maia,
23: -

preserval, stranding, Jamesian, prevailers, restoring, vesperal, Jasmina, genitors, , nonvaried, drainages, environed, stored, silver, Thoron, quiesce, juried, adulate, Rigel, string, apertura, squared, bits, enfuse, North, grail, order.


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