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Nostradamus C10 Q91: N's views on the changing astronomic landscape in the seventeenth century.
Copyright: Allan Webber, December 2015

Nostradamus Verse C10 Q91  Mutational Selection OuletsThis verse tells the story of astronomic advancement in the early seventeenth century. In particular it is about the celestial maps that held Nostradamus' interest. At that time fifty year beyond his death Nostradamus seems to have been aware that religious and scientific debate would lead to the inclusion of new constellations based on images familiar to the Persians. It was they who held the pre-eminent knowledge of the stars.

Anagrams that help in giving meaning to this verse include:

ogre freelances main animal unexistence entunes refulgence (brightness)
Clerge Romain l'an mil ſix cens et neuf

safer election Auch feeds esoterical caution
Au chef de l'an fera ſelection

Origenist coresidential Agen map Jesus genitors resign no Camelopard tigers pegomancy proclaimed
D'vn gris et noir de la Compagne yſſu

Quoining confine quailing fence simulating feculent conine
Qui onc ne feut ſi maling.

# pegomancy - a form of divination by studying springs or fountains.
# refulgence- resplendent or shining radiantly.
# Origenist - person who attempts a Christian philosophy combining Platonism and the Scriptures.
# Camelopard - 14thC name given to the Giraffe. The Giraffe became a southern constellation when introduced in 1612 (or 1613) by Petrus Plancius.
In the year 1609, Roman clergy,
At the beginning of the year you will hold an election
Of one gray and black issued from Campania,
Never was there one so wicked as he.
Clerge Romain l'an mil ſix cens et neuf
Au chef de l'an fera ſelection
D'vn gris et noir de la Compagne yſſu
Qui onc ne feut ſi maling.
L1: <animal unexistence slim><in roma refulgence(bright><emitted) sent><sentence cxi> rays mislain feculent aim six moirae tune roger alnaim amino clef malinis isil

L2: <caution he feed><else fear an action fchedule><fear selection> clearest safer elections aconite freelances inoculate unchafed unchaotic iona aniou release

L3: <l'coordinate map rise><singer not proclaimed agen>< disorient map><reconsolidate map><pegomancy serving suds>coresidential caelo(thunder) desertion genitors camelopard clamored gayness nitrogens origenist pygmean yesus ysus angle coma yssu campo g anglec

L4: <malign suite confine><quoting aims in fuel> mainlist islam simulating latinism quailing alignq confine festucine mislain quoining timaeus qing infections malign ismail simulate malinis fence isil
1: reconsolidate, coresidential, lcoordinate, proclaimed, camelopard, unexistence, unchaotic, pegomancy, refulgence, quoining, origenist, freelances, latinism, mainlist, clamored, feculent, pygmean, confine, sentence, qing,
2: anglecodemap, simulating, quailing, nitrogens, amelorian, festucine, mailing, serving, gayness, alignq, radicle, timaeus, ismail,
3: toleranceis, esoterical, inoculate, unchafed, auction, caution,
4: disorient, simulate, resting, roger,
5: elections, selection, desertion, genitors, moirae,
6: malign,
7: fchedule, election, mislain, malinis, mislain, malinis, yesus,
8: clearest, aconite, cradle, grins, clef, suds,
9: caelo,
10: -
11: action, yssu, ysus,
12: animal, alnaim, aniou, cxi, xci,
13: oriented, campo, alferes,
14: release, gap,
15: fence,
16: ring,
17: resign, reigns, singer, align, fled,
18: milans, fleed,
19: coma,
20: islam,
21: -
22: -
23: -

reconsolidate, coresidential, proclaimed, camelopard, pegomancy, refulgence, quoining, origenist, freelances, latinism, mainlist, clamored, feculent, pygmean, confine, sentence, qing, simulating, quailing, nitrogens, amelorian, festucine, mailing, serving, gayness, radicle, Timaeus, Ismail, esoterical, inoculate, unchafed, caution, disorient, simulate, resting, Roger, selection, desertion, genitors, Moirae, malign,  fchedule, election, mislain, Manilis, mislain, Yesus, clearest, aconite, cradle, grins, clef, action, Ysus, animal, Aniou,  oriented, Alferes, release, gap, fence, reigns, align, coma, Islam.

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