Allan Webber at Marino Rocks May 2016  

Nostradamus' attitudes to War
© Allan Webber 2016

The horrible war which is being prepared in the West

The following year will come the pestilence
So horribly strong that young, old nor beast 
Blood, fire Mercury, Mars, Jupiter in France.
C9 Q55
  Michel de Nostredame

This Antichrist makes war against the Royal who will become the Great Vicar of Jesus Christ. From time to time this war is against that Church and is so on this occasion in time...1558 Henry Epistle (HEE8a).

The importance of Nostradamus' dating method for wars.

I have tried to give a rational psychological base to Nostradamus' work and one result of this is that I believe it would have been contradictory for him to have seen the future at the same time as holding a belief in astrology or the end of the world as foretold in old-time religious tales. However I don't think there is a contradiction because he didn't have these views; instead at the deeper level his writings seem based in science. This is illustrated in the case of the dating mechanism using planet positions and names.

It is a common misperception that if Nostradamus uses placement of the planets along the zodiac then his work is astrological.  In his lifetime the locations of planets and stars were nearly as  predictable as they are now. This is a case of a foreknowable event that is based on science and that branch of science is astronomy. It may be used to indicate the timing of events that are good, bad or indifferent but it still doesn't automatically make it astrological.  It is only if the event occurring on that date is claimed to be a result of the planetary positions that it becomes astrology. If used to mark an occasion on a calendar it can be science, but if such marks are meant to foretell the future its basis is occult. However the methods employed by Nostradamus seem to use astronomy as a marker for his calendar system.

My focus in this section will be on a consistent thread in the great mutations which involves war and in so doing the same scrutiny on its science versus occult origin needs to be applied. I believe the motivation behind Nostradamus' Prophecies was to put in writing that which has no historical equivalent; new events that humankind has never faced before.

I want to reach out and declare happenings of common interest through incomprehensible and perplex sentences about future causes. The most urgent are those in which I perceive some human mutation and for which I must find a way that is inoffensive to the weakest ear...Cesar 1555 Preface (PCE2).

However in order for the work to remain pertinent through many centuries Nostradamus included specific events that could only be known after they occurred or in situations where they could not alter the future.
Many events, most powerful of all Kings, of the most astounding sort are to transpire soon, but I neither could nor would fit them all into this epistle; but in order to comprehend certain horrible facts, a few must be set forth...1558 Henry Epistle (HEE28b).  

There can be no doubt that Nostradamus wrote about events that interested him but their story was a means to an end which was to show those aspects of the future which would have far-reaching unstoppable consequences. I argue throughout my work that motivation for a person with Nostradamus' background and abilities lay in technologic change and although this is at the core of his prophecies, his special concern was in the ways immutable human self-interest presents a danger to humankind.
And these conflicts over what is essentially unchangeable are the centre-point of Nostradamus' presentations on war rather than the battles, their leaders and the victories or defeats.

His theme is inevitably about the technology of weapons, but new weapons, not ones that are just bigger or more powerful versions of those already known in the sixteenth century; they are based on revolutionary chemical, biological and atomic physics as typified over the last century. And his assessments dwell upon the tides of history that wash through the institutions of humankind making these weapons far more powerful than ever envisaged by their makers. This is clearly indicated in C7 Q19 in both the visible text and the anagrams.

C7 Q19 The fort at Nicea will not engage in combat,
it will be overcome by shining metal.
This deed will be debated for a long time,
strange and fearful for the citizens.

Le fort Nicene ne Sera combatu
Vaincu Sera par rutilant metal
Son faict Sera vn long temps de batu
Aux citadins eStrange eSpouuantal.

It is clear the encounter described in this verse is won and lost not through battles between men but purely by the use of a weapon. This is one of the great changes in the nature of war that has taken place since Nostradamus' time since people can be killed and places destroyed from an incredibly vast distance without the need of actual engagement with the enemy. In this case Nostradamus' words imply a form of chemical warfare and the nature of the chemical can be found in the hidden text but it also carries the institutional basis that defines the origin of the event.  

This verse has been partially analysed in earlier chapters but its full richness has not yet been shown. I have already revealed the powerful set of anagrams in the third line that are amongst the hardest to dismiss as a product of chance alone.  Below I re-show how the letters in the original line can form a series of anagrams by placing the blanks between words in new places and treating the newly grouped letters as anagrams.

Son faict Sera vn long temps de batu
S onfaictS eravnlongtem psdebatu
onfaictS eravnlongtem psdebatuS
factions governmental Budapests


These anagrams are not frequently found in Nostradamus' Prophecies and 'factions' is the only one to occur in any other verse (two others). These three words are adjacent anagrams and use every letter of the line. The words are distinctive and yet their existence is far from obvious by reading the original text. Each word makes sense and has a logical fit within the group that is formed; each can be seen as political in nature. But what is also true is that they add a valid context to the visible message which talks of  a long debate over an act of war. 

The last line also has a sequence of adjacent anagrams which say actinides strange weapons  (citadins e -Strange -eSpouuan ). This is once again a very apt hidden reference adding considerable detail to the text. The actinides are the elements with atomic number from 89 to 103 all of which are radioactive. This series includes Uranium, Thorium and Plutonium and these are silvery-white (shining) metals which is in keeping with the description in Nostradamus' text.  

The text of the verse refers to the Nicene fort and this offers a means of determining the region of the city in which the above genocide occurs. Budapest has a long history and in Roman times part of it formed a city called Aquincum. This was the administrative capital of the region called Pannonia up to 405 CE when it was overrun by the Huns. In the region of Budapest now called Obuda lie the remnants of that earlier city and it was in this area that the principal fort for Pannonia was based. Hence at the time of the Nicene council there was an important fortification in Obuda. Therefore from the reference to a Nicene fort in the first line of C7 Q19 it can be deduced that it is Obuda where strange weapons are used.

This verse has more to contribute but the above is what makes it relevant to this chapter on modern weaponry. See Chapter on Budapest for more.

Other verses showing Nostradamus' interest in technological war.

There are a series of well-known verses by Nostradamus that have always been linked to war in the 20th century and beyond. It is worthwhile my presenting a few that show the nature of the wars which attracted his interest.

C1 Q63
Pestilences extinguished, the world becomes smaller
for a long time the lands will be inhabited peacefully
People will travel safely by sky, land, sea and wave
then wars will start up again.

Les fleurs paSSes diminue le monde
Long temps la paix terres inhabitees
Sur marchera par ciel,terre,mer et onde
Puis de nouueau les guerres SuScitees.

Additionally there are consecutive anagrams in the third line of the above verse that say tremendous archer a particle (et onde Sor m - archer - a par ciel,te). There is also an anagram for meteor /remote (mer et o) in that same line.

C1 Q87
Earthshaking fire from the center of the earth
will cause tremors around the New City  
Two great rocks will war for a long time,
then Arethusa will redden a new river.
EnnoSigee feu du centre de terre
Fera trembler au tour de cite neufue terre
Deux grands rochiers long teps ferot la guerre terre
Puis ArethuSe rougira nouueau fleuue.

The text of the above verse has wording that suggests nuclear arms are used while its anagrams suggest biological warfare may be rampant as well. This can be seen in the fourth line where are anagrams for worse wave swipe /wipes Earth grain fuel ( Areth - uSe rou - gira n- o - uueau - fleu- ue. Puis).

See my series on Nuclear events for more on the above verse.

The above themes found through the anagrams deliver additional meaning to the following verses where modern warfare is already apparent in their text.

C2 Q5
Near the gates and within two cities
There will be two scourges unlike any as yet seen

Famine within plague, people put out by steel
Crying to the great immortal God for relief.
C4 Q43
Arms will be heard clashing in the sky
That very same year the divine ones enemies

They will want unjustly to debate the holy laws:
Through lightning and war the believers put to death.
C5 Q8
There will be unleashed live fire, hidden death,
Horrible and frightful within the globes,

By night the city reduced to dust by the fleet,
The city afire, the enemy amenable.

Sera laiSSe le feu vif mort cache
Dedans les globes horrible eSpouuentable
De nuict a claSSe cite en poudre laSche
La cite a feu l'ennemy fauorable.

The last of these verses given above tells a convincing story of a horrific modern war completely consistent with all the content of those that preceed it in this presentation on modern war. And there is a very poignant message in its second line that affirms Nostradamus' interest in modern technological warfare. It says terrible-weapons bleed globes lands (rrible eSpouuenta - ble De -dans l -es glob).






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